Everything you need to know to empower student success

Greg Kovich
8월 03, 2021

Schools and universities can empower student success with learning driven by student-centric services, smart campus foundations, and campus resiliency.

We’ve recently come through a crazy time. A time unlike anything we have experienced before in our personal histories, in our daily lives, and most significantly, in the lives of a generation of students. Ripped from the classroom, one day, and forced to acclimatize to a new world order of learning, the next. The journey has not been an easy one. But, as we begin to see ourselves on the other side of the turmoil, it is our job to ensure that we pave the way forward to empower student success.

Students with teacher at whiteboard blog

From where we sit, and based on our experience as technology providers to the education industry, we believe there are three key elements that demand attention to ensure an intelligent campus that can deliver personalized digital experiences for successful teaching and learning in the 21st century:

Student-centric services: Enabling a personalized education experience – from applicant to alumni – through cognitive communications and pervasive connectivity

• A smart campus foundation: Delivering lower cost and lower complexity with a secure, high- performance, predictive infrastructure at the heart of adaptive learning environments

• Campus resiliency: The tools to identify, react, coordinate, and alert staff and students during any campus crisis – no matter the venue or setting – to keep your students and faculty safe

Empowering student success starts with an unwavering focus on students. In some ways the recent foray into remote learning has opened doors and created opportunities for new ways of engaging. These must now be explored and exploited to deliver the personalized experiences that students require. From ubiquitous connectivity enabling communications and collaboration, to a plethora of new services, empowering student success, will depend on the investment that educational institutions make in a smart campus that brings student-centric services to the students’ fingertips. Creating a student-centric services ecosystem can support the entire student lifecycle, from prospecting to enrolment, learning, job placement, alumni engagement, and continuing education.

A successful digital transformation can empower educators with the confidence to evolve and embrace new ways of teaching, learning and conducting research. An intelligent campus foundation provides a high-performance network that’s easy to deploy and manage, and that streamlines operations to let educational institutions focus on the students – which is exactly where their attention should be.

Using technology, data, and analytics can help create an inclusive and financially sustainable enrolment strategy that can serve more and new learners. Developing the capabilities and systems to incorporate artificial intelligence into student services can provide personalized, timely support required for student retention and can assist in keeping students engaged through to course completion.

And, as we traverse the ever-present risks that threaten us, both technologically and physically, hyper-vigilance and preparedness are required. Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise network solutions deliver built-in security to fend-off cyberattacks, keep student information private and secure, keep campus environments safe, and provide the communications tools to identify and address any campus-wide crisis to ensure the safety of students and staff. Learn more about Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise solutions for education to empower your students’ success.

Greg Kovich

Greg Kovich

Global Sales Lead, Education Vertical

Greg Kovich leads global sales for ALE’s Education vertical.  Greg has overseen or created several Education solutions including “The Fundamentals of Communications” – a vendor neutral course on digital network communications; “Safe Campus” – a solution uniting emergency alerts with first responder collaboration and mass notification; “Secure Campus” – a solution that allows instructors to limit student network access to determined sites; and “Pandemic Education Continuity” – a solution that enables classroom instruction in the event the institution is closed due to health or environmental crisis. 

He is a 1992 graduate of Indiana University with over 20 yrs experience in Information Technology.

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